Pastor Jason Moore
Pastor Jason Moore is a resident of Rockwall,Texas. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of Gathering on The Rock Church in Rockwall. Jason is married to the love of his life, Lakisha Moore. He is also a father, and grandfather. Together Jason and Lakisha have 3 adult children (Cedric, Jayla, and Jamison), and 5 grandchildren (Si’Yanah, Winter, Kyrie & Kason, and Layla).
Jason’s walk with Christ started in 1999. During a very trying time in his life, he was enlightened to the eternal truth that man cannot truly live by bread alone. From that moment forward, he made a lifetime commitment to serve God wholeheartedly. Jason has served in many capacities within ministry. Some of them are: pastor, teacher, deacon, discipler, counselor, and author. He and his wife Lakisha are also certified marriage mentors, an avenue that has allowed them to add strength and stability to many marriages.
In addition, Pastor Moore is the founder of ROLO Ministries (Reaching Out to the Left Out), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has served the prison population across the State of Texas for several years. Under ROLO Ministries, The Tie Who Binds Annual Marriage Retreat and It’s Personal Annual Women’s Conference were born. All of which are currently under the umbrella of Gathering on The Rock.
Outside of ministry, Jason loves spending time with family, traveling, vacationing, weightlifting, fishing, and gardening. He and his wife are entrepreneurs, together they are real estate investors and business consultants. Pastor Moore has also earned a Bachelor of Divinity and is currently working on his Bachelor of Christian Leadership and Management from Liberty University.
Jason’s desire for the people he is privileged to lead can be summed up in one word: growth. He earnestly desires to empower people to grow so they may live their best life, spiritually, socially, physically, emotionally, and financially. Jason’s agenda is simply, God’s Kingdom Agenda! He desires to see the visible demonstration of God’s comprehensive rule over every area of their lives.